April 2, 2007 Update

My busy life and lack of time to devote to the removal of excessive Guestbook spam has caused me to remove the Guestbook page from my site.    Seems like folks were more interested in hawking their own sites then commenting on my little corner of the web.   I'm looking into some ways to shore up my guestbook page to prevent the abuse, but still allow for an open discussion.  Check back in the next couple months.

In other news, many of my favorite clips on You Tube and Google Video have been pulled, seems like the copy right owner wants their fair share.  Can't say I blame them, but I will miss the content.

I continue to play with the new MS-Office suite. So far, I have to say that I like what I see. Not a ground breaking change, but a nice and welcomed evolution.   Have not braved the Vista world yet, but have a new laptop ready to try it out when I have the time and patience for the undertaking.

 My busy life and lack of time to devote to the removal of excessive Guestbook spam has caused me to remove the Guestbook page from my site.    Seems like folks were more interested in hawking their own sites then commenting on my little corner of the web.   I'm looking into some ways to shore up my guestbook page to prevent the abuse, but still allow for an open discussion.  Check back in the next couple months.

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